As Kenya continues to thrive as a hotspot for investment and development, the search for land locations intensifies. Whether you’re seeking a serene retreat, a busy urban space, or a promising investment opportunity, Kenya offers diverse options.

Many are keen to invest in land but don’t know where to start.Your goals and budgetary restrictions will guide you. Consider what your intentions are for the land purchase. Understanding your goals and assessing your financial capabilities realistically, will help you narrow down your options to find the most suitable location.

In this article, we dive into some of the factors we consider before investing.

  1. Proximity to Nairobi

Within Nairobi city, the cost of land has risen significantly over the years. Most Individuals are priced out. For our projects, we tend to consider land that is a one or two-hour drive from Nairobi in any direction. Areas in this proximity often present themselves as underdeveloped yet hold great potential for growth and transformation. As a result, land prices in these areas tend to be comparatively lower giving an entry point without steep financial burden.

  1. Impending Developments.

As investors, we are keen on maximising returns, not just for ourselves but also for our customers—the end users. We carefully evaluate every location to see the opportunity, looking for signs of potential growth and transformation. Impending developments encompass a range of initiatives, scaling from infrastructural projects such as roads to commercial ventures in the vicinity, by strategically acquiring land in areas with impending developments, investors maximise returns because of all the infrastructure that will be built within a short period of time.

  1. Unique Geographic Features.

In the field of land investment, recognising and harnessing unique geographical features such as waterfrontages and mountain views is important for ensuring the long-term desirability of the product for customers. Beyond mere location, the natural qualities of the land itself play a significant role in shaping its attractiveness and value proposition. 

For incredible deals, reach out to Grand Acres by Goshen Acquisitions via WhatsApp or go to our website

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