Purchasing land is a significant investment, and ensuring you are dealing with a legitimate company is crucial. These are some of the essential documents you should request from a land seller to verify their existence and understand their structure:

Copy of Registration Certificate: The first document to ask for is the company’s registration certificate. This document confirms that the company is legally registered and recognised by The Government of Kenya. It ensures that the company operates within Kenya’s legal framework.

        Company’s KRA PIN Certificate: The PIN (Personal Identification Number) certificate details the company’s tax registration. This document ensures the company complies with tax regulations and has a legitimate tax profile.

        Memorandum and Articles of Association: This document is more than just a list of shareholders and directors. It’s key to understanding the company’s structure and the individuals behind it. Knowing the real people behind the company helps you make informed decisions about who you are dealing with.

        CR12 Form: The CR12 form is obtained from the company registrar and serves as a current snapshot of the company’s structure. It lists the most recent registration details of shareholders and directors as per the last annual return, typically filed at the end of the year. This document is essential to verify the current status of shareholding and directorship.

          As the buyer, it’s not just a responsibility but a necessity to verify the legitimacy of the company you are dealing with. These documents are critical tools in this process. Remembering these points can safeguard your investment and ensure a smooth and secure property acquisition process.

          For incredible deals, reach out to Grand Acres by Goshen Acquisitions via WhatsApp or go to our website

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